Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Livescribe Talking Pen First Contact

Finally, almost half a year of searching for a way to get the pen in the Netherlands further; I got it on my desk!
Installing the software was easy, but then came the message "There is an important firmware upgrade...". I decided to just install it at once. Waiting, waiting, waiting.... the pen reboots and.... nothing :-(
When I used the pen, it just said "install the software..." or something like that.
Now here is why: After installing the firmware "System file" you see the pen reboot, the Livescribe logo appears and after that the time is displayed. The Livescribe Desktop now emulates a remove/reinsert of the USB device and waits for a signal that never comes on my laptop/USBport. The fix is easy, just take the pen of the cradle and put it back on again. Then Livescribe Desktop will finish the upgrade!

Up to the next challanges: writing a penlet and creating my own paper!

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