Sunday, December 21, 2008

HL7 Standaardisatiedag 10-12-2008 RIMBAA

Het was weer een mooie dag. Veel gepraat en veel herkenning. En natuurlijk liepen de presentaties weer allemaal uit ;-) Bij de pizza party achteraf weer hele goede discussies gehad over vooral Detailed Clinical Models. Daar gaan we meer over horen!
2008 12 10 HL7 RIMBAA
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Monday, December 8, 2008

ESB is NOT a product

The most common mistake with an Enterprise Service Bus is thinking it is a product. This, of cource, is not true. ESB is a pattern witch is a combination of capabilities. Some vendors do sell a product that has all the capabilities implemented. Like with an SOA... you cannot buy an ESB, you have to think ESB.
Also see the great presentation The Role of the Enterprise Service Bus by Mark Richards.