Monday, February 2, 2009

Yes I Can ... CDA R2!

At the HL7 Work Group Meeting in Orlando, FL January 15, 2009 I did the CDA R2 exam and now I may call myself a "Certified CDA R2 Specialist" (the list)!
It is a confirmation that I know CDA R2. The Monday after the WGM I got a mail telling me I had passed the exam. And 2 weeks later, just as I was told, I received the certificate and the pin. I think HL7 does a good job on this.
Some may think a certificate is not saying much, but I really think the exam tests your knowledge to use the CDA R2 and not just that you can learn well. Furthermore it is not just a test of CDA, but also of the RIM and interpreting the DMIM diagrams.
Just to be sure I was prepared I also followed the excellent CDA Advanced tutorial by Bob Dolin and later the CCD tutorial. In my hospital I created a CDA Implementation Guide for archiving and sending clinical documents. At the moment we are working on a SemanticSOA which uses something similar to the CDA R3 Model as it's Common Information Model. See also this great blog entry about the future roadmap of CDA R3/CCD by Rene Spronk.

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